Staying Connected

The school has different forms of communication. The most important source of information will come through your Compass App.

COMPASS: Permission notes, newsletters, notices, classroom updates, school fees, and school calendars are all accessible and sent through Compass. Once you complete your enrolment application, it is important that you download the Compass App and log in. Compass will also send emails, but the app is the best way to stay on top of school notices.


TEXT: Emergency messaging (such as fire evacuations) and absentee notices are sent via SMS. Please always make sure the office has your current mobile number.

FACEBOOK: The school is promoted on facebook. Go to the newsletter for the 'source' of information.


EMAIL: Families connect to their teachers or the school via email or by calling the office for an appointment.

SOCIAL GROUPS: Families stay connected through the School Community Group and will sometimes create 'chat' groups to stay connected to each other. This may include family outings and parent dinners.


FLEXISCHOOLS: The canteen will communicate directly to parents through the Canteen ordering App, called Flexischools.